For Better and Worse | With Jess and Rach

He McQueens Me - Elsie's Birth Story!

Season 3 Episode 15

Rach, Josh, and Elsie are live in their living room to tell the tale of Elsie's birth and the 3 weeks that have followed. Keep your ears out for sweet baby coos throughout the episode, they are quite the treat! Rach starts off with a top TOTD, Josh gives his theory on breastmilk science, and they get into the ins and outs of the black hole they've been in for the past 3 weeks. Josh shocks Rachel with an update on his prepper supplies, and if y'all need some dry beans in the apocalypse you know who to contact. Before we get into the meat, Rach announces that the girls are needing to take a break while both of them navigate the huge life changes ahead of them. We hope to be back sooner rather than later, and we promise to keep you updated.

The meat this week is Elsie's birth story! Rach and Josh relive the 28-hour marathon experience of welcoming their daughter into the world. Spoiler: absolutely nothing went to plan. The induction was truly tested Rach's sanity, but it was absolutely all worth it in the end. There was no part of her birth plan that actually happened, so shout out to her doula Christy for keeping the ship afloat.  Toward the end of the episode we get into some questions you submitted about parenthood and the past 3 weeks that have been a total whirlwind. We get into our mental health, bodily functions, how we've navigated parenthood as partners, and much more.

Jess and I will miss you guys SO MUCH. Thank you for your continued love and support. This podcast and community has meant the world to us, and we can't thank you enough for sticking with us through the hardest of seasons.

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